Do you feel like food has more control over you than you have over it?
Are you always thinking about food?
Cant stop eating?
Do you comfort eat?
Is one biscuit never enough?
Do you find it hard to stop when you are full?
Are you always either on or off a diet?
Are you struggling to change your eating habits?
If you answered yes to any of the above then this course can help you.
Having an unhealthy relationship with food really takes its toll on you in terms of confidence, self-esteem, health and weight.
It impacts on your ability to lose weight.
It impacts on your life because you feel more self-conscious and withdrawn.
It holds you back in so many areas.
How change can be possible
One of the main reasons that people are unsuccessful in changing where they are at with food is because they are tackling the problem on the wrong level. By addressing the problem only through food and eating, we are merely looking at the symptom and not the cause. If you only tackle any issue just on the level of the symptom you will always be tackling it.
Want a permanent result?
You need to go straight to the root of the problem which is the cause. If you want to make any change in your life you need to change where you are at with it on the inside.
That is why change is and always will be an inside job first.
By changing your relationship with food you will now feel
more free around food and eating, be at peace with your eating habits. Improves
confidence, self esteem and your health.
The programme consists of 6 modules spread out over the course of 6 weeks plus a FREE BONUS WEEK.
Each week we will work on a different aspect of your mindset around eating so that we can make a real change in your relationship with food.
The course features coaching videos with me on each topic, PDF handouts and audio processes.
Modules include:
- What gets in the way and a new approach. You need to know specifically what is getting in the way of you being at peace with food. This module also gives you a new way of approaching how you use food.
- Food for other Reasons. This module addresses the times when we eat when we know we are not hungry or past the point of fullness. Addressing this will have a big impact on the amount of food you eat.
- Feelings and Emotions. This module helps you to deal with and process your feelings and emotions. It will also help to eliminate the need for emotional eating.
- The Subconscious Mind and your relationship with food This module shows you the role the subconscious mind plays in your relationship with food. It is essential to have the subconscious mind working with you and not against you for any change you want to make in your life.
This course has 2 available options:
- 6 weeks of coaching videos with me on each topic, PDF Handouts and Audio Processes. (If you came to me in person for this exact help it would cost at least €600)
- A free bonus week. (This has a value of at least €100)
- “Ask Caoimhe Anything Bonus” which gives direct email access to me for the duration of the program. (This is an amazing level of access that very few people would get. The value of this is at least €200)
- 6 weeks of coaching videos with me on each topic, PDF Handouts and Audio Processes. If you came to me in person for this exact help it would cost at least €600)
- A free bonus week. (This has a value of at least €100).
- “Ask Caoimhe Anything Bonus” which gives direct access to me for the duration of the program. (This is an amazing level of access that very few people would get. The value of this is at least €200)
- 2 hour one-on-one Master Class with me via skype. ( Valued at €200)
VALUE: €1,100 INVESTMENT: €447
Your Instructor
Caoimhe Harrison is a Master Practitioner for eating disorders and all other food, body and weight issues through the British Psychological Society. She also has a BA (Hons) in Psychotherapy. Caoimhe specialises in working with individuals around their relationship with food and the impact it has on their lives. Caoimhe's passion comes from her own personal experience with an unbalanced relationship with food involving years of yo-yo dieting. This left Caoimhe with a longing to really understand the mindset and psychology of eating disorders and also individuals who have a constant preoccupation around food and dieting. From her years of studying and working in this field and applying what she has learnt Caoimhe has now developed a programme to help individuals to understand whats going on for them on a different level and from this new perspective make a change that will last.
Caoimhe offers individual therapy, group therapy and support services for parents/ family members. She also gives talks, e-courses, in-house programmes and workshops based around our relationship with food, healthy body image and self-esteem.
A Letter from Caoimhe Harrison
[Master Practitioner]
For years I struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food. I had tried every diet under the sun and not only did I not get the results I wanted but my relationship with food was getting more disastrous by the day. It was so distressing and frustrating. It was affecting my weight and my mood. It was holding me back in so many ways. Food had more control over me than I had over it. I just could not get it together with food and I just couldn’t understand why. I felt a lot of pain and despair around it.
Eventually I came to the realisation that dieting was not the answer. It was only making me worse. My relationship with food was completely off balance and chaotic. Everything else, for example my weight was a symptom of that. It was only when I looked at why I was eating the way I was that change began to happen. So much clicked into place for me after this. For example, focusing on why was I eating when I wasn’t hungry, helped me to understand myself so much more. Armed with this new learning and knowledge, I could give myself what I really needed through some other avenue other than food. How I used food changed dramatically. For the first time I was able to loose the excess weight without dieting and keep it off for good.
This programme that I've created is based on my personal and professional experience around food and eating. The realisation that change is definitely an inside job first is the key to success. That and only that makes the difference.
.Wishing you every success!
Caoimhe Harrison